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A. 学術論文情報(Papers)

1. Proton conductive behaviors of Ba (ZnxNb1− x)O3− δ− y(OH) 2y studied by infrared spectroscopy

K. Arai, M. Saito, K .Suganami, M. Inada, K. Hayashi, T. Motohashi
J. Solid State Chem. 2022, 122913.

2. Electronic Origin of Non-Zone-Center Phonon Condensation: Octahedral Rotation as a Case Study

S Yoshida, H Akamatsu, K Hayashi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 2021, 127, 215701.

3. Sodium ion conduction in sodium lanthanum zirconate ceramics prepared by spark plasma sintering

N. Toyomura, G. Hasegawa, K. Nishimi, M. Inada, N. Enomoto, K Hayashi
Script. Mater. 2021, 200, 113887.

4. Sn-Based Perovskite with a Wide Visible-Light Absorption Band Assisted by Hydride Doping

M. Nakamura, H. Watanabe, H. Akamatsu, K. Fujii, M. Yashima, G. Hasegawa, M. Inada, K. Hayashi, K. Maeda
Chem. Mater. 2021, 33, 3631-3638

5. Environmental impact of amino acids on the release of selenateimmobilized in hydrotalcite: Integrated interpretation of experimentaland density-functional theory study

M Wang, H Akamatsu, I Dabo, K Sasaki
Chemosphere. 2021, 274, 129927

6. Environmental impact of amino acids on selenate-bearing hydrocalumite: Experimental and DFT studies

M Wang, H Akamatsu, I Dabo, K Sasaki
Environmental Pollution. 2021, 288, 117687

7. Influence of Amino Acids on the Mobility of Iodide in Hydrocalumite

M Wang, H Akamatsu, K Sasaki
Minerals. 2021, 11(8), 836

8. Linking Solid Electrolyte Degradation to Charge Carrier Transport in the Thiophosphate‐Based Composite Cathode toward Solid‐State Lithium‐Sulfur Batteries

S Ohno, C Rosenbach, G F. Dewald, J Janek, W G. Zeier
Advanced Functional Materials. 2021, 2010620

9. Insights into the Lithium Sub-structure of Superionic Conductors Li3YCl6 and Li3YBr6

R Schlem, A Banik, S Ohno, E Suard, W G. Zeier
Chem. Mater. 2021, 33(1), 327-337

10. Polymer-based hybrid battery electrolytes: theoretical insights, recent advances and challenges

J Popovic, D Brandell, S Ohno, K B. Hatzell, J Zhenge, Y Y Hu
Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2021, 9(10), 6050-6069

11. Analysis of charge carrier transport toward optimized cathode composites for all‐solid‐state Li‐S batteries

G F. Dewald, S Ohno, J. G. C. Hering, J Janek, W. G. Zeier
Batteries & Supercaps. 2021, 4 (1), 183-194

12. Lithium Argyrodite as Solid Electrolyte and Cathode Precursor for Solid-State Batteries with Long Cycle Life

S Wang, M Tang, Q Zhang, B Li, S Ohno, F Walther, R Pan, X Xu, C Xin, W Zhang, L Li, Y Shen, F. H. Richter, J Janek, C Nan
Advanced Energy Materials. 2021, 11(31), 2101370

13. Energy Storage Materials for Solid-State Batteries: Design by Mechanochemistry

R Schlem, C F Burmeister, P Michalowski, S Ohno, G. F. Dewald, A Kwade, W. G. Zeier
Advanced Energy Materials. 2021, 11(30), 2101022

14. Influence of Crystallinity of Lithium Thiophosphate Solid Electrolytes on the Performance of Solid-State Batteries

S Wang, W Zhang, X Chen, D Das, R Ruess, A Gautam, F Walther, S Ohno, R Koerver, Q Zhang, W G. Zeier, F. H. Richter, C.W. Nan, J Janek
Advanced Energy Materials. 2021, 11(24), 2100654

15. On the underestimated influence of synthetic conditions in solid ionic conductors

A Banik, T Famprikis, M Ghidiu, S Ohno, M. A. Kraft, W. G. Zeier
Chemical Science. 2021, 12(18), 6238-6263

16. Toward Practical Solid-State Lithium–Sulfur Batteries: Challenges and Perspectives

S Ohno, W G Zeier
Accounts of Materials Research, 2021, 2(10), 869-880

17. Sn Substitution in the Lithium Superionic Argyrodite Li6PCh5I (Ch = S and Se)

A Gautam, M Ghidiu, A.L. Hansen, S Ohno, W G Zeier
Inorganic Chemistry. 2021, 60(24), 18975-18980

18. Can Substitutions Affect the Oxidative Stability of Lithium Argyrodite Solid Electrolytes?

A Banik, Y Liu, S Ohno, Y Rudel, A. J. Solano, A Gloskovskii, N. M. V. Barbosa, Y Mo, W. G. Zeier
ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 5(2), 2045–2053

B. 総説・解説(Reviews)・著書(Books)

1. 複合アニオン化合物の科学 

陰山, 洋, 荻野, 拓, 長谷川, 哲也 編著(稲熊宜之, 内本喜晴, 荻野拓, 越智正之, 垣花眞人, 陰山洋, 北川俊作, 木本浩司, 桑原彰秀, 小林玄器, 小林亮名, 設樂一希, 高津浩, 竹入史隆, 田部勢津久, 辻本吉廣, 長谷川哲也, 林克郎, 廣瀬靖, 本郷研太, 前園涼, 前田和彦, 鱒渕友治, 松石聡, 三上昌義, 八島正知, 山本健太郎, 山本隆文)
丸善出版 2021年 (ISBN: 9784621306109)

C. 特許情報(Patents)


D. その他の活動(プレスリリース・新聞記事等・広報資料)

1. 長波長の可視光に応答する半導体の新合成手法を開拓!~鉛を含まないペロブスカイト型半導体~

九州大学NESWS プレスリリース(2021.05.06) 

2. In the Spotlight: Successful Synthesis of Perovskite Visible-Light-Absorbing Semiconductor Material

EurekAleart (2021.5.07)
