HOME >  トップ  >  センター年報  >  2021年度  >  片山研究室




A. 学術論文情報(Papers)

1. Fc-binding antibody-recruiting molecules targeting prostate-specific membrane antigen: defucosylation of antibody for efficacy improvement, 

K. Sasaki, M. Harada, T. Yoshikawa, H. Tagawa, Y. Harada, Y. Yonemitsu, T. Ryujin, A. Kishimura, T. Mori*, Y. Katayama*
ChemBioChem, 22, 496-500 (2021).

2. Synthesis and biological evaluation of a monocyclic Fc-binding antibody-recruiting molecule for cancer immunotherapy, 

K. Sasaki, K. Muguruma, R. Osawa, A. Fukuda, A. Taniguchi, A. Kishimura, Y. Hayashi*, T. Mori*, Y. Katayama*
RSC Med. Chem., 12, 406-409 (2021).

3. Polyvinyl butyrate nanoparticles as butyrate donors for colitis treatment, 

Y. Mu, Y. Kinashi, J. Li, T. Yoshikawa, A. Kishimura, M. Tanaka, T. Matsui, T. Mori*, K. Hase*, Y. Katayama*
ACS Applied Bio Mater., 4, 2335-2341 (2021).

4. Effect of chloroacetyl modification on the suppression of dissociation of a fluorescent molecule from cells for antigen-specific cell staining

R. Kaneko, M. Kawamura, A. Kishimura, T. Mori*, Y. Katayama*
Anal. Sci., 37, 529-532 (2021).

5. Inducible Dynamic Behavior of Polyion Complex Vesicles by Disrupting Charge Balance, 

Y. Liu, T. Maruyama, Biplab KC, T. Mori, Y. Katayama, A. Kishimura* 
Chem. Lett. 50, 1034-1037 (2021).

6. Protein kinase C α-responsive gene carrier for cancer-specific transgene expression and cancer therapy, 

C. W. Kim, R. Toita, J.-H. Kang, T. Mori, A. Kishimura, Y. Katayama*, 
ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 7, 2530-2537 (2021).

7.α-L-Arabinofuranosidase as an orthogonal enzyme for human cells, 

R. Kaneko, T. Oda, R. Yoshida, C. Tateishi, K. Tanito, T. Nii, A. Kishimura, N. Kamiya, T. Mori*, Y. Katayama*,
Chem. Lett., 50, 1493-1495 (2021).
[工学研究院 神谷研との共同研究成果]

8. Effect of size and loading of retinoic acid in polyvinyl butyrate nanoparticles on amelioration of colitis, 

J. Li, Y. Mu, Y. Liu, A. Kishimura, T. Mori*, Y. Katayama*,
polymers, 13, 1472 (2021).

9. Preparation of a PEGylated liposome that co-encapsulates L-arginine and doxorubicin to achieve a synergistic anticancer effect, 

H. Feng, J.-H. Kang, S. Qi, A. Kishimura, T. Mori*, Y. Katayama*
RSC Adv., 11, 34101-34106 (2021).

10. A FRET-based Protein Kinase Assay using Phos-tag-modified Quantum Dots and Fluorophore-labeled Peptides, 

T. Nobori, A. Kishimura, T. Mori*, Y. Katayama*,
Anal. Sci., 21, 1361-1366 (2021).
[selected as Hot article]

11. Specific adsorption of a β-lactam antibiotic in vivo by an anion-exchange resin for protection of the intestinal microbiota, 

S. Li, K. Yakabe, K. Zai, Y. Liu, A. Kishimura, K. Hase, Y.-G. Kim*, T. Mori*, Y. Katayama*,
Biomater. Sci., 9, 7219-7227 (2021).

12. Comparative evaluation of natural killer cell-mediated cell killing assay based on the leakage of an endogenous enzyme or a pre-loaded fluorophore, 

K. Tanito, Y. Oshiro, H. Tagawa, A. Kishimura, T. Mori*, Y. Katayama*,
Anal. Sci., 37, 1571-1575 (2021).

B. 総説・解説(Reviews)・著書(Books)

1. 世代医工薬学に基づく“細胞編集” ―バイオマテリアルを活かした細胞機能制御―,

岸村顕広, 樋口ゆり子,
YAKUGAKU ZASSHI, 141, 623–624 (2021).

2. 細胞機能編集に向けた人工オルガネラ創製へのチャレンジ,

YAKUGAKU ZASSHI, 141, 625–633 (2021).

3. ポリイオンコンプレックスの設計とその作製過程の制御に基づく生体高分子包含高分子ベシクルの新展開

膜(MEMBRANE),46, 287–293 (2021).

4. SDGsを支える科学者・研究者コミュニティになるために,

バイオマテリアル, 39 , 158-163 (2021).


岸村顕広, 片山佳樹, 
Drug Delivery System, 2022, 37, 45-53 (2022).

C. 特許情報(Patents)


D. その他の活動(プレスリリース・新聞記事等・広報資料)

1. DX を研究に活用した新たな産学連携プラットフォームが本格スタート

九州大学プレスリリース, 2021年4月22日. 
